Summary of the story "Bhai Bhaiyer Lorai" we delve into a family drama revolving around two brothers. Despite the apparent happiness in their family, a discord arises over their father's property. The younger brother seeks a rightful share in the elder brother's business. Unraveling the roots of this conflict leads to the daughter-in-law, Bhabhi, whose marriage was solemnized in childhood. However, her girlfriend advises her to consider sharing the family property. The situation creates confusion and tension between the two Aries brothers throughout the day. Eventually, as the day unfolds, it becomes clear that their disputes are centered around the property. In a surprising turn of events, both brothers come to realize their mistakes and reconcile with each other by the end of the day.
- Channel: Eagle Music Watch
- Published: Feb 5, 2024
- 45:16
- Suggest Story Plot
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